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'Twentieth Century Novel' Previous Question- 2016 with Answer



Subject code: 1185

Twentieth Century Novel

Time: 4 hours                                                                                                              Marks-80

Part – A

1.   Answer any ten questions:                                                                                     1´10 = 10

       a. What is the source of the title "The Grass is Singing"?

       Ans. The source of the title “The Grass is Singing” is a poem called The Waste Land written by T.S. Eliot.

       b.  What does the word "Passage" mean in the novel. "A Passage to India?

       Ans. The word ‘passage’ in the novel, 'A Passage to India' means ‘journey’. But this journey is a journey of the soul, a journey of one nation into another, and a journey of one religion into another.

       c.  Who is Elizabeth Dalloway?

      Ans. Elizabeth Dalloway is the daughter of Clarissa and Richard

       d. When was Doris Lessing awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature?

       Ans. Doris Lessing was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007 for literature.

       e.  Why is Aziz arrested?

       Ans. Aziz is arrested on the charge of molesting Miss Adela Quested while visiting the Marabar Caves.

       f. What  was Conrad's original name?

       Ans. Conrad’s original name is Deodor Jozef Konrad Korzeniowski.

       g.  What Oedipus complex?

        Ans. 'Oedipus Complex' is a psychological disorder that indicates son’s extreme love for mother and bitter hatred for father.

       h. What does the Marabar Cave Symbolize?

       Ans. The Marabar Caves symbolize the primitive world of evil and annihilation. It also indicates the impossibility of mutual friendship between the natives and the British.

       i. What does Ivory stand for?

       Ans. 'Ivory' stands for the ever-lasting greed and evil of white men.

       j. What is the Nellie?

       Ans. 'The Nellie' is a small ship resting at anchor at the mouth of the River Thames, near London. From the deck of the ship the narrator describes the scene in Heart of Darkness.

       k. Where was Kurtz burried?

       Ans. Kurtz was buried into a muddy hole by the river.

       l. What is the setting of the novel "A Passage to India"?

       Ans. The setting of E. M. Forster’s novel , “A Passage to India,” is the imaginary city of Chandrapore. It is a few miles north of the Marabar hills and is situated on the bank of the Ganges.


Part – B

Answer any five questions:                                                                                          4 ´ 5 = 20

2. Bring out the significance of Paul-Clara relationship.

3. Discuss briefly the inner conflict Mrs Dalloway suffers from.

4. Write a short note on the theme of “Hallow Men” in Heart of Darkness.

5. Comment on the significance of the title of Heart of Darkens.

6. Describe the Arial scene in “A Passage to India”.

7. Discuss the circumstance that compels Septimus to commit suicide.

8. Describe the murder of Mary in “The Grass is Singing”.

9. How does the novel “A Passage to India” end?


Part – C

Answer any five questions:                                                                                        10 ´ 5 = 50

10. How does Virginia Woolf satirize the modern civilization in the novel “Mrs Dalloway”?

11. Examine Walter Morel as a tragic character.

12. Examine and Estimate Aziz-Fielding relationship in “A Passage to India”.

13. Comment on Conrad’s treatment of evil in “Heart of Darkness”.

14. “The Grass is Singing” deals with the theme of Colonialism Elucidate.

15. How does Joseph Conrad explore the different shades of meanings of Darkness in the novel, “Heart of Darkness”?

16. Comment on the British Raj in India in the novel “A Passage to India”.

17. What picture of social life do you get in Doris Lessing’s “The Grass is Singing”?

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